Frequently Asked Questions about the M Street Softball League |
How do I join the league?
Individual players looking to be placed on a team for the upcoming season should fill out the Registration form. However, this doesn't guarantee that you will be placed on a team for the upcoming season. The league will notify the coaches of your interest and will try to find a suitable team for you. Many, if not all of the teams in the league are friends who have been playing together for years and want to keep it that way. Most of them would rather have a familiar face of lesser skills on their roster than a gold glover who just moved to the Boston area.
That puts the league in an awkward position as we are always looking for ways to improve league play and to give interested players an equal opportunity to participate in one of the most competitive softball leagues in the city of Boston. It is our belief that skilled players make competitive teams and improve overall league play. With that said, if you think you have the skills to compete in a fast pitch/modified league then complete the Registration form and the league will work with you in finding a team for the upcoming season.
Note - pitchers are always in high demand so if you can pitch and throw strikes then we will find a team for you.
I have a full team ready to compete - can we join?
The M Street Softball League is always looking for new teams to join the league. Please have your coach or person of contact complete the Registration form. The league will review your information and notify you once an opening occurs (teams come and go every season). Note - the league usually begins planning and organizing for the upcoming year around the middle of March.
How many games is the season and when does it start/end?
The schedule will be about 18 games, plus playoffs. Opening day is expected to be the last week in April or first week in May -- with team practices beginning as early as the first week of April (each team schedules their own practices). The playoffs generally begin around August 1st and run through Labor Day.
When and where are the games played?
Games are played Monday-Friday, with game times starting at 6pm, 7:30, and 9pm. Holiday weekends such as Memorial Day and 4th of July are usually followed by an "off" day, but this is not always the case. All of the games are played in South Boston at the M Street Softball field - use 2 M Street as your GPS address point.
Does it cost money to play?
Yes. We are a self-supported league. We pay for our own uniforms, as well as our own league/team fees to cover field permits, umpires, softballs, league maintenance costs, etc. Uniforms/team jerseys are purchased by each team and vary in cost. League/team fees start at about $100 per player which would cover the cost of all the games and is collected by each coach. However, some teams are sponsored by an organization which helps eliminate/limit the cost for each player. Some teams also play in tourneys that cost money. It really varies by team.
I want to be selected on the same team as my friend. What should I do?
Make a note of this in the "Questions and Comments" section of your registration. An effort will be made to place both of you on the same team. But keep in mind, this may limit the likelihood of being selected, as the team selecting you may only need to fill one position.
I haven't played in a while (maybe even years). How competitive is this league?
For the 2014 season, the league is planning to offer at least two levels (A & B) of competition with the hopes of adding a third (C). The "A" division will feature seasoned softballers who have played in the M Street League or other competitive softball league somewhere else at some point. The level of pitching separates this division from the others as teams feature one or two dominating pitchers who can throw really hard. The "B" division teams can usually hit and field with the best of them but don't have a top flight pitcher. The "C" teams are those who are less serious about softball and/or are just starting out as an established team.
Is this a coed league?
No, the M Street Softball League is not a coed league but we do encourage females to participate. If you are a female and are looking to play some competitive softball then we encourage you to sign up using the Registration form. Those looking for a coed only league may want to try the Boston Ski and Sports Club (www.bssc.com)
I play multiple positions. Which position should I tryout for?
Players should choose their "best" position. Pitchers are in the greatest demand, so if you can pitch, we recommend that you sign up today.
Player & Team Registration |