from left to right: Leon Correy, John Gregorio, Peter Hourihan, Tommy Connolly, Pat Pickup, Tommy McGrath, George Pratt, Jim McNiff, Rob Rogers, and Larry Lucas

  Moran Division


  Feeney Division


Read M Street Softball articles dating back to 1970.
These articles appeared in our local newspaper, The South Boston Tribune.

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"Halfball Started in Southie"
By Dave Mihal
From A street to the island, in a crisp Autumn chill
M street park all through Southie and up on the hill.
Halfballs were flying and floating there too
What fun we were having, this game is not new.
Our fathers and uncles played halfball a lot
Most of them wearing that famed Southie dot.
Where else could a game get started like this
Gold street or Silver, we all reminisce.
In the projects dad said, while cooking the haddock
Have a Herald that says it upstairs in the attic.
No way uncle said while rubbing his belly
It started near K street, next to the deli.
To all you I swear on my dearly departed
Southie is where halfball was started.

Website created by Mark Senna